Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Diva's Challenge #129: String Theory v. XXV: TanglelPatterns String#004

This week the challenge from the Diva was to use String #4, a string which I have used a few times before. For the uninitiated, the "String" is the guideline, or layout, on which you draw the "Tangles" or individual patterns.  To see Linda Farmer's comprehensive collection of strings, go to  and click on "Strings" up near the top. And to see the wide array of Tangle Patterns, just click on any letter of the alphabet.

 This is my first attempt at the challenge.
One of the things I've always liked about string #4 is the oval like shapes, perfect for Purk, one of my favorite tangles; although I'm not so sure I did it justice this time. I also used Sparkle for the other oval shape, and 2 versions of the new tangle, Clove, as the background. Clove is so simple and fun to draw, I think it's going to become another staple for backgrounds.

To find out more about the Diva's Weekly Challenge, and to see all the other fabulous entries, 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Diva's Challenge #128

 I have really enjoyed the Challenge from the Diva this week: the 2 pencil string: holding 2 pencils together and creating a string freehand. Somehow, this seemed to free up some of my creativity. I came up with string after string and kept on going. I especially like retaining the ribbonlike quality, and just filling the tangles (or patterns) into the ribbon.

I did this one using the Sakura Sigma Micron pens in black on tan paper, in the ATC form. The tangles are: Printemps, Onomato, Kandy Ribnz, Antidots, and as for the last one, I haven't a clue. 

I can hardly wait for Monday, when there will be a new challenge. In the meantime, be sure to visit iamthediva to see all the other responces to this challenge.
I really have enjoyed the Diva's challenge this week. The 2 pencil string has got me going. As soon as I finish one tile, or ATC, or ZIA using this concept, I have to immediately start another. I especially like using the method to create a ribbonlike string, without adding tangles to the background. I can see myself having trouble using any other kind of string, at least for a while.

Tomorrow is the deadline for submission to the Diva's Challenge, so I have to decide which of the pieces I've done in the past few days is worthy. Actually, I've just looked at my watch, and TODAY is the deadline; I didn't realize how late it had gotten.. 

Anyway, here's some of what I've been doing this past week:

The 2 above are done on 3 1/2" tiles, using Sakura Pigma Micron pens in black. The 2 below are on tan paper; the first one using a Sepia Micron pen for the string and a black pen for the background and the second one using black pens.

After I've had some sleep, I'll decide which one to send along for
 the Diva's Challenge. So that's it for tonight.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

String Game, Part 2

This is my 2nd try at the Diva's Challenge to create a string using 2 pencils. As you can see, I did my initials:
 Be sure to visit the Diva's site to see all the other submissions.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The String Game

This week's Diva Challenge is to create a string using 2 pencils, held together with a rubber band. I didn't think to take a picture of my string before filling it with tangles, but I think you can figure it out. This was my first try, and there are a few sort of sloppy areas, but I'm sure I will do at least 1 more:
I'm not yet sure if I'll post this one on the challenge site, but be sure to take a look there: iamthediva and enjoy all the great artists' work.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Change of Direction.

I can't believe that I've been writing this blog, on and off, since January of 2009! When I first began, I was mostly concentrating on my fiber work, and then added some of my glass work. Eventually, I also returned to metalwork after years of not doing any. But as I added more forms of Art and/or Craft, I had less and less time to work on the blog. Now that I've added Zentangles to the mix, I find that I have even less time. 

But I hope to change that. There is a weekly Zentangle challenge, posted by CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher) Laura Harms. I have been doing tiles and ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) in answer to the challenge for a while now, but have not posted them on the challenge site. Or anywhere else for that matter. But that is going to change. Even if I have nothing else to write about, each week I will post my attempts at the challenge here on my blog. And when I think my challenge pieces are worthwhile, I'll post them on the challenge site: iamthediva

Even when I don't post my work at the challenge site, please go there and see the fabulous art being created by all the talented Tanglers who do meet the challenge weekly.

This was my first  attempt at this week's challenge, which is a Duo Tangle; 
using 2 tangles: Cirquital and Opus

 My next try was a little more elaborate
 Where it lists the filler tangles, on the right, the first one should read Onamato.

Here's the next one 

and one last one, very simple

I have to work on my photography, which is usually OK. For some reason, this time the photos all came out sort of yellowish, and I can't seem to whiten them up no matter what I try.

But this is just a preview. I intend to show my challenge responses each week. I hope you'll be back to see them, and please comment on them, as well. 

In between, I'll still post a bit about glass, fiber, and metalwork. 
Till next week.....................