I only managed to complete 2 challenges this week;
It's a String Thing #59,
and Square One: Purely Zentangle; Betweed
For the latest "It's a String Thing"
Adele has designed a string inspired by
CZT Michelle Beauchamp's tangle, Oke
CZT Michelle Beauchamp's tangle, Oke

upon which we are to use that tangle: Oke,
along with Meringue by CZT Kelley Kelly.
never cared much for Oke, but I love Meringue; it has a sort of
Aquafleur feel to it. When I set Meringue on Adele's string, Oke fell
right into place around it. Or would it be more correct to say behind
it? At any rate, they were meant for each other.
I started to add some vein lines on Oke,
but it just seemed like overkill;
I like it just the way it is. I hope you do, too.
Be sure to check out all the other entries @ Tickled to Tangle,
on Monday, when Adele Bruno posts them. The vast differences that can
be achieved using the same tangles on the same string are truly
incredible. And, if you've a mind to try a String Thing yourself, check
back on Tuesday, when she offers the new ones.
Betweed is the tangle of the week
at Square One: Purely Zentangle.
The premise at this site is to go back to the basics:
Artwork created with nothing more than a 3.5" x
3.5" paper tile, pen and pencil...
no color, no eraser, no distraction.
Betweed has always been, and remains, one of my favorite tangles. I have used it here with one of my favorite strings, #043, by Beth Snoderly
You can see all the other Square One entries,
including previous tangles, here.