This week's String Thing uses String #114

by Dorothy Allison
with any or all of these patterns:
Ahh - the 14th pattern listed on TanglePatterns,
Ta-Da - the 14th pattern listed under the 'grid' tab on TanglePatterns,
Teenos - the 14th pattern developed by Adele Bruno.
Ta-Da - the 14th pattern listed under the 'grid' tab on TanglePatterns,
Teenos - the 14th pattern developed by Adele Bruno.
At first I wasn't sure how these patterns would go together.
But once I started with the first pattern that came to mind,
the rest all fell into place. And this is the result:
I'm pretty happy with it.
Be sure to check out all the entries @ Tickled to Tangle, on Monday afternoon, when Adele Bruno posts them. The vast differences that can be achieved using the same tangles on the same string are truly incredible. And, if you've a mind to try a String Thing yourself, check back on Tuesday afternoon,
when she offers the new ones.
When Erin Olson posted the template for Zendals Dare #111,
I somehow missed the fact that it was supposed
to have a Halloween theme; so I did this one:
I like it, but since it has nothing to do with Halloween,
I did this one, too:
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