Friday, April 8, 2016

It's a String Thing #139

This week's String Thing from Adele Bruno 
over at Tickled to Tangle is #139, and uses 
Adele's String of the same number;
and the tangles selected are:
Betwixt, Chillon,Tagh.

Here's my take on it:

I used all 3 tangles.
Many other Tanglers have stated that photographing 
their tiles gives them truer colors than scanning them.
I don't find that necessarily true; they usually seem to 
come out more yellow, as in this case. But unfortunately,
I'm having serious problems with my Laptop, and had to 
take it in for repairs. So I'm doing this on my iPad; which,
of course, has no scanner. I'll tell you, it's not been fun. 
Everything takes forever. I suppose if I had to do it more
often, I'd learn what I need to know.

That said, I've gotten this far; so now I have to figure 
out how to add a link so you can all go over to 
Tickled to Tangle Monday afternoon and see 
all the other entries. And Tuesday afternoon, 
she posts the new challenge.
(Well, I think I did it)


Thanks for visiting; please leave a comment, favorable or not. I'd love to hear your thoughts. That's how we learn and grow; and how we know someone out there is paying attention.

Have a wonderful day; see you all next time.